Dr. Prakash Zacharias
Senior Consultant
Department: Gastroenterology
1)Massive Gastrointestinal bleeding in a patient with AIDS – A.T.Mathew, P.Zacharias, S.Ponnambathayil, A.Kumar, L.Madhavan, M Harris, K.G.Ramakrishnan,P.V.Bhagyanathan. National Medical Journal of India Vol 18, No
2, 2005 76-77
2) Laparoscopic colonic resection for rectosigmoid colonic tumours: a retrospective analysis and comparison with open resection. Prakash K, Varma D, Rajan M, Kamlesh NP, Zacharias P, Ganesh Narayanan R, Philip M. Indian J Surg. 2010 Aug;72(4):318-22. doi: 10.1007/s12262-010-0119-z. Epub 2010 Nov 18.
3) Analysis of CagA, VacA and IceA genotypes of colonizedHelicobacter pylori and Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) gene polymorphism among dyspepsia patients. Suneesh Kumar Pachathundikandi, Anish Kumar, Prakash Zacharias and Joseph Madassery. Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol.2(9)pp. 1060-1066 Sept 2011
4) Prevalence and patterns of diverticulosis in patients undergoing colonoscopy in a southern Indian hospital. Kamalesh NP, Prakash K, Pramil K, Zacharias P, Ramesh GN, Philip M. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2012 Dec;31(6):337-9. doi: 10.1007/s12664- 012-0222-0. Epub 2012 Aug 17.
5) Dense calculi formation resulting in impaction of pancreatic stent Kurumboor Prakash,N. P. Kamalesh, K. Pramil, Sylesh Aikot & Zacharias Prakash ,G. N. Ramesh, Mathew Philip. Indian J Gastroenterol (January–February 2013) 32(1):66
6) Duodenal arteriovenous malformation: endosonographic diagnosis and coil embolization. Shibi Mathew, Prakash Zacharias, Lijesh Kumar, John Mathews, Prashanth Menon, Mathew Philip. Endoscopy 48(S01): E378-379
7) Spontaneous thrombosis of large splenorenal shunt during balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration in a patient with chronic persistent hepatic encephalopathy. Is this catheter assisted trans-venous occlusion ? Lijesh Kumar, Abby Cyriac Philips, Prakash Zacharias, Sudarshan Patil, Philip Augustine. Gastroenterology Insights 8(1). December 2017
8) Sedation practices in gastrointestinal endoscopy – A survey from southern India. Prakash Zacharias, Shibi Mathew, John Mathews, Aby Somu, Maya Peethambaran, Menon Prashanth, Mathew Philip. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 37(1):1-5 · April 2018
9) Techniques of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy – Do we Need to Change Anything? Prakash Zacharias, Hasim Ahamed J Digest Endosc 2020;11:55-58
10) Post-ERCP bile leak – Shibi Mathew, Prakash Zacharias, Lijesh Kumar, Arun Kumar, John Mathews, Thomas James, Hasim Ahamed, Bilal Mohmed, Mathew Philip J Digest Endosc 2022; 13: 116-118
11) Multi-center prospective survey of hepatocellular carcinoma in Kerala: More than 1,200 cases – Abraham Koshy, Krishnadas Devadas, Charles Panackel, Mathew Philip, N Premaletha, Prakash Zacharias, T M Ramachandran, Rajesh Gopalakrishna, Roy J Mukkada, Cyriac Abby Philips, Philip Augustine, Rema Krishnakumar, Benoy Sebastian, Antony P Chettupuzha, Shine Sadasivan, George K Thomas, Ismail Siyad,
K Sandesh, V B Abhilash, Rajesh Antony, Julio C Kandathil, Thara Pratap, Pushpa Mahadevan; Kerala Hepatocellular Carcinoma Study Group. India J Gastroenterol. 2023 Apr;42(2):233-240. doi: 10.1007/s12664 022-01314-8
1) “High Prevalence of cefotaxime resistance in ascitic fluid infections of Indian cirrhosis patients”. Zacharias Prakash; kumar Anish. Gastroenterology April 2007 Volume 132, Issue 4, Supplement SI, A-804
2) ‘Investigation of an Epidemic of Hepatitis A in a college’, M. Narendranathan, Prakash Zacharias. Indian journal of Gastroenterology 1996-vol 15, supplement 1.
3) ‘Hepatitis A seroprevalence in Kerala’, Mathew Philip, R. Bobba, P. Zacharias, P. K Rajiv, T. P Mampilly, T. Philip, R. J. Mukkada, R. Hari, J. Mathew, G. N. Ramesh., P. Augustine. Indian journal of Gastroenterology 1998-vol 17 supplement 1;71
4) ‘Gastric Variceal Bleed – Cyano Acrylate Glue Therapy’. P. Zacharias M. Philip, T. Philip, R. J Mukkada, j. Mathew, G. N. Ramesh., P. Augustine. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 1998-vol 17 supplement 1;71
5) ‘ERCP in tropical pancreatitis of children’. R.J Mukkada, Mathew Philip, P. Zacharias. T. Philip, G.N. Ramesh, P. Augustine. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 1998-vol 17, supplement 1;80
6) ‘A study of ductal abnormalities in chronic calcific pancreatitis (CCP) by Magnetic Resonance Pancreatography (MRP). Majeed, A. Nair, P. Zacharias, Srikant. M Prabhu, N. John, A. Sibi, Bala, Bri Indian journal of Gastroenterology 2000-vol 19 supplement 2;15
7) ‘An interim audit of esophageal manometry in clinical practice in a GI referral unit’ Anil John, Sai Bala, Prakash Zacharias, Prem Nair. Indian journal od Gastroenterology 2000-vol 19 supplement 2;53
8) ‘H. Pylori prevalence in Kerala’. T.Jithendra, P. Nair, P. Zacharias, A Shahani, A. John, I. Siyad, V. P. Gupta. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2000-vol 19 supplement 2;64
9) ‘A Novel approach to Endoscopic Visualization of the Small Intestine’. P. Nair, P. Zacharias, A. John, J. Sibi, Bri Bala. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2000 –vol 19 supplement 2;73.
10) ‘Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) –Safe Bri Bala. Indian journal of Gastroenterology 2000-vol 19 supplement 2;73.
11) ‘Combined percutaneous /endoscopic methods to access the bile ducts in difficult cases’. P. Nair, P. Zacharias, M. Srikanth, N. Prabhu, A. John, P. Dhar, N. S Sreekumar, J Sibi, Bri Bala. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2000-vol 19 supplement 2;87
12) ‘Pancreatic duct stone therapy in idiopathic chronic calcific pancreatitis, an ERCP guided sequence’ P. Nair, P. Zacharias, A. John, P. Dhar, N S Sreekumar, J. Sibi, Bri. Bala. Indian journal of gastroenterology 2000-vol 19 supplement 2;91
13) ‘Audit of GI tuberculosis in North Kerala’ P. Zacharias, Anish Kumar, Sajith. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2003 vol 22 (suppl 1) Now A71
14) “Endoscopic band ligation for ulcer bleeds – A New addition to endoscopists armamentarium” – P. Zacharias, Anish Kumar, Vidyadhara Prasad Gupta. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2004 Vol 23 (Suppl 2) October A129.
15) “Is there a relationship between Biliary Ascariasis and Recurrent Pyogenic Cholangitis seen in the Kerala” ? P. Zacharias, Anish Kumar, Ajith Mathew, Vidyadhara Prasad Gupta. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2004 Vol 23 (Suppl 2) October A63.
16) “Endoscopic management of Bile leaks – Experience from a tertiary referral centre” – Anish Kumar, Vidyadhara Prasad Gupta, Prakash Zacharias Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2004 Vol 23 (Suppl 2) October A129.
17) Anti Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibody (ASCA) in patients with Crohn’s disease and Intestinal Tuberculosis; Prakash Zacharias, Anish Kumar, Vidyadhara Prasad Gupta Institute of GI Sciences, Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences, Calicut, Kerala Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2005 vol 24 (Supp 1) November A 107- 108
18) Prevalence of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV in voluntary blood donors in North Kerala; Shalini Kuruvilla, Anish Kumar, Vidyadhara Prasad Gupta, Lilly M, Prakash Zacharias Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences, Calicut, Kerala. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2005 vol 24 (Suppl 1) November A 107
Dr. Prakash Zacharias
Senior Consultant
Medical Gastroenterology
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