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Bio Medical Waste Report

Monthwise In Kilograms

SL NO Month Yellow Red Blue Yellow/Cytotoxic White Sharp Container
    No of Bags Weight No of Bags Weight Weight No of Bags Weight Count Weight
01 January 2024 2642 3244.637 2507 3937.774 983.54 74 197.246 49 136.49
02 February 2024 1893 2278.881 1751 2740.741 805.73 84 98.517 51 97.945
03 March 2024 1953 2934.296 1795 3279.176 878.745 69 97.12 49 116.725
04 April 2024 2521 3805.676 2497 4230.44 987.623 78 114.247 46 121.843
05 May 2024 2879 4762.097 2642 4863.996 1288.243 147 169.115 34 89.005
06 June 2024 2571 4244.334 2394 4617.655 1190.1 107 133.214 32 91.71
07 July 2024 3749 6064.762 3356 6602.802 1423.894 127 168.155 45 125.15
08 August 2024 3379 5930.153 3130 6548.905 1492.209 131 174.74 53 120.985

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